SAH WiA Registers Committee | Virtual Meeting Agenda, January 21, 2021 Link to the document:  SAH WiA AG RegCom_2MtngAgenda   Opening and Organization Second Meeting of the SAH WiA Registers Committee – Sokolina  – Gratitude to All for your correspondence and ideas, to Rebecca for organizing the meeting, Barbara and Rebecca for zoom meetings – Introduction of the new Committee Member: Alicia Imperiale, PhD, Architect, Visiting Associate Professor, Pratt Institute SoA (emphasis on Networks, Archives) – Alicia’s individual intro Committee Members—individual confirmation of particular focus of contribution and initial comments on Committee work Meral Ekincioglu Archives, Bibliographies Alicia Imperiale Networks, Archives Gül Kale Networks, Bibliographies Barbara Ann Opar Libraries, Bibliographies LauraRead More →

SAH WiA Registers Committee | Virtual Meeting Agenda, December 18, 2020 Link to the document: SAH WiA AG RegCom_1stMtngAgenda   The SAH WiA Registers Committee represents the breath of interests of the community of the Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) by creating a comprehensive database on women’s contribution to the discipline, with a trifold focus on Registers, Lists, and Catalogues of:  1/Archives/Libraries/Collections; 2/Bibliographic Resources; 3/Networks of Likeminded Organizations. This initiative has been proposed and put forward by Anna Sokolina, peer reviewed and confirmed at the First Meeting of the SAH WiA AG Center in September 2020: global and open to proposals, initiatives, and projects that support the SAH WiA AG mission.Read More →