SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group Council: Eighth Meeting Agenda
September 7, 2022, 10:00 am CST
SAH WiA AG Council: Chair: Anna Sokolina, Advising Chair: Wanda A. Bubriski, Associate Chairs: Shelley E. Roff and Ola Uduku, Executive Administrator: Rebecca Siefert, Communications Coordinator: Danielle S. Willkens, Anchor: Ipek Mehmetoglu, Web News Editor: Yan Wencheng, National Outreach Coordinators: Maristella Casciato and Priya Jain, Mentoring Program: Gül Kale and Barbara Ann Opar, Archivists: Barbara Ann Opar and Neena Zutshi, Special Events Coordinator: Gül Kale, Associate Administrators: Elisa Dainese and Avni Gor
The original document:
1. Opening and Organization
8th Meeting of SAH WiA AG Council—Sokolina
- Objectives: To mark the start of 2022–23 academic year and discuss our programs, projects and designations
- Gratitude: to All for your commitment, to Rebecca Siefert for organizing this meeting
- Members Directory 6.24.22: 385 (Report from Anne Bird, SAH Director of Membership)
- Primary website:
- Group Forum:
- Bylaws:
- Group Leadership: Council (15); Registers Committee (9); Legacy Committee (17); Mentoring Program (4)
- Structural adjustments: email from SAH WiA AG Anchor Ipek Mehmetoglu, August 27, 2022: due to her life changes she has to step down from this top leadership position. For discussion: new nominations
Duties outline: The Anchor is our lead voice, she/he shall be conversed in technologies, to serve for a term of three years, or a sequence of consecutive three-year terms, or until their successor is elected, and shall be responsible for secure maintenance of membership records in collaboration with the group’s chair, update the Group’s Listserv based on internal reports received from SAH Director of Membership, and according to urgency of relevant subject distribute news to group members via Listserv.
Discussion: Wanda A. Bubriski, Maristella Casciato, Avni Gor, Priya Jain, Gül Kale, Barbara Opar, Shelley Roff, Rebecca Siefert, Anna Sokolina: 1) Prof. Priya Jain to step in as SAH WiA AG Anchor, 2) SAH WiA AG Listserv, 3) new SAH measures of secure access to members’ database
2. Recent accomplishments
2.1. International Collaboration
2.1.1. SAH CONNECTS webinar “Architectural History and Conservation in South and East Asia” June 8, 2022, —Priya Jain and Yan Wencheng
- SAH WiA AG Recognition: Priya Jain and Yan Wencheng
- Published on SAH website. For discussion: to archive on SAH WiA AG website, as part of collection providing public access to our recorded panels and programs
Discussion: Wanda A. Bubriski, Maristella Casciato, Avni Gor, Priya Jain, Gül Kale, Barbara Opar, Shelley Roff, Rebecca Siefert, Anna Sokolina: 1) Privacy and consent to SAH WiA AG recordings, 2) SAH membership of panel participants if organized by institutions other than SAH, 3) Special webpage for archiving SAH WiA AG panels: Public access and diversified approach to presenting each record, 4) March panels’ focus: archiving women’s histories, 6) Panels on studies of Oral History Interviews
2.1.2. SAH WiA AG Virtual Roundtable “Digital Humanities in Architectural History” June 28, 2022, second collaborative project of SAH WiA AG and Carleton University | Art & Architectural History, and with SAH Archipedia, organized by Gül Kale, Mentoring Program Coordinator
- SAH WiA AG Recognition: Gül Kale
- Published on SAH WiA AG new website:
2.2. SAH WiA AG National Outreach Program
Collaboration with AIA Silicon Valley: Virtual panel “Inspired by History to Form the Future” Annual AI.2022 Architectural Intelligence Symposium, section “Equity,” Apr 19, 2022, moderators: Sokolina & Jain, speakers: Yan, Ekincioglu, Alvarez Isidro, Gomez Alfonso AI.22 (
- SAH WiA AG Recognition: to All contributors
2.3. The Women in Architecture Grants and Fellowships Directory
The launch of a new initiative as part of our “March 2022: Celebrating Women’s History Month Program.” The objectives of this effort are determined by the growing demand for a resource, aimed at supporting the SAH community, which presents the scholarship and networking efforts of SAH WiA AG, and provides SAH members with a structured working document regularly updated with the latest information about relevant grants and fellowships.
- SAH WiA AG Recognition: to Dr. Ipek Mehmetoglu
- First Directory has been created by Ipek Mehmetoglu, reviewed by SAH WiA AG Development team and published on March 24, 2022:
- Second Directory, dated August 2022, has been created by Ipek Mehmetoglu—attached for review and release to publication on SAH WiA AG Forum platform: in “Files,” with crosslinked publication in “Discussion,” and for distribution to group members via Group Listserv
Discussion: Wanda A. Bubriski, Maristella Casciato, Avni Gor, Priya Jain, Gül Kale, Barbara Opar, Shelley Roff, Rebecca Siefert, Anna Sokolina: 1) Recognition of quality of research, scale and immense effort put into this project by Dr. Mehmetoglu, 2) Great value as a reference resource for our group members, 3) Publication and promotion of this document, 4) Frequency of updates
2.4. SAH WiA AG Mentoring Program
Website launched June 23, 2022: Contents: Kale and Sokolina, collaboration: Barbara Ann Opar, web design: Sokolina, public access: Rebecca Siefert
Discussion: 1) Expanding the mentoring team, 2) Internship opportunities for students, junior faculty: areas of engagement; interns’ roster on SAH WiA AG website, 4) Creative outline of programming by Gül Kale in collaboration with Barbara Opar, Maristella Casciato, other members of the Council
2.5. Gratitude: to SAH WiA AG teams for active engagement:
Administration/Digital Technology—Lead: Rebecca Siefert, 3 members
Mentoring—Lead: Barbara Opar and Gül Kale, 4 interns
Bibliography—Lead: Barbara Opar; Special Events—Lead: Gül Kale
Communications/Media—Virtual Power Structure—Lead: Yan Wencheng, 9 members, 1 intern, 5 platforms; effective teams: SAH Commons: Site SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group (—Siefert, Sokolina, Forum Members – SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group – SAH Commons—posts by all SAH members, admins: Siefert, Sokolina, Mehmetoglu, Willkens; LinkedIn SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group: Overview | LinkedIn—Gor, Jain; Instagram—Yan; Twitter @SAHWiAag—Wilkens; Facebook SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group—Kiana Darvish, SAH WiA AG intern supervised by Gül Kale
Discussion: duties updates
3. Projects in-progress
3.1. SAH Women in Architecture AG Report to SAH Board—Sokolina
All Reports/Meeting Agendas published:
Most recent report:
SAH WiA AG Programs: 1/ National Outreach, 2/ International Collaboration, 3/ March Annual: Celebrating Women’s History Month, 4/ SAH Conference, 5/ SAH CONNECTS, 6/ Mentoring Program, 7/ WiA Grants and Fellowships Directory, 8/ Collaboration w/Registers & Legacy Committees—ongoing: SAH WiA Bibliography; SAH WiA Oral History Interviews; SAH WiA Award of Distinction Proposal, 9/ Collaboration w/SAH: SAH Archipedia, other AGs
3.2. The Proposal to Create “The Annual Award for Distinction in Scholarship on the History of Women in Architecture”: 3 rounds of peer review in collaboration with SAH WiA AG Legacy Committee and SAH Executive Director Pauline Saliga, initial submission to SAH Board July 15, 2021, final submission March 24, 2022—read online:
- Gratitude: to All peers who contributed
For status, on Aug 24, 2022, we approached Prof. Eliana AbuHamdi Murchie, SAH Board AGs Liaison. Quote from her response from Sep 6, 2022: “Your request has prompted a more holistic review of how SAH grants awards etc., and so, a special committee was formed to review the process.”
3.3. SAH WiA AG International Collaboration
3.3.1. The US-UK collaboration project organized by Dr. Shelley E. Roff with Dr. Elizabeth Darling, Convener, Women Architectural Historians’ Network, SAHGB,—Shelley E. Roff
3.3.2. SAH CONNECTS webinar “Transnational Connections: Women’s Role in Disseminating Architectural Trends in the Twentieth Century” chair Dr. Margaret B. Vickery
4. Projects on schedule
4.1. Annual Program “March 2023: Celebrating Women’s History Month“
4.1.1. Recognition: SAH WiA group proactive members and teams
4.1.2. Program Leaflet: Publication; distribution through Listserv
4.1.3. The International Women’s Day March 8: Virtual event on the histories of women in the discipline across borders: organization of a 3rd collaborative panel, with gratitude to SAH and with a special gratitude to Carleton University | Art & Architectural History
Discussion: Gül Kale, Maristella Casciato, other members of the Council
4.1.4. SAH WiA Bibliography 2023: publication of expanded 2nd edition—Barbara Opar, Anna Sokolina, Rebecca Siefert
Laura Sánchez Carrasco, Profesora Ayudante Doctora,Departamento de Composición Arquitectónica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Spain, member of WiA AG Registers Committee, on Aug 10, 2022, contributed an extended list of titles in Spanish; by Oct 3—a draft of titles in Italian. We are also in receipt of individual updates from SAH members.
A general draft in-progress by Barbara Opar with interns; will be in place to line up and forward to members of Registers Committee for review by late Oct-mid Nov; integrate responses by Dec 1; forward the whole to members of Council and Legacy Committee for second round of review till (Dec 15). With Sokolina’s edits and added Acknowledgements, our team shall discuss all during January. This schedule is approx. and subject to modification. For a March publication we would need all edited and prepared by late Jan–early Feb 2023. Barbara Opar in collaboration with team, would write an intro for SAH March Book List. Siefert and Sokolina will also create a new Biblio site in Commons. Both publications URL to be included in “2023 March Program” Leaflet and discussed during leadership meetings. Promotion: through SAH Opportunities, Newsletter, SAH WiA group Listserv and media platforms
Discussion: Schedule and date of publication—Barbara Opar
4.1.5. Panel proposals: SAH CONNECTS
4.1.6. New page launch: a collection of panels, interviews, other initiatives supported by SAH WiA AG
Discussion: Other initiatives
4.2. SAH 76th Annual International Conference, in-person in Montréal, Canada, Apr 12–16, 2023, virtual sessions Sep 20–22, 2023
- Call for inquiries: Book launch events at the conference for SAH WiA AG members—distribution to group members via listserv
- Group Membership Meeting
Discussion: List of panels advocating our cause
4.3. SAH Women in Architecture Oral History Interviews—Siefert, Opar, Sokolina, transcription support—Hannah Deichler, group intern supervised by Barbara Opar; new interviews to feature SAH past presidents, leadership, outstanding SAH members
5. SAH WiA AG Responses to Survey in SAH Board Report
Financial Impact
SAH WiA AG is seeking support of our programs and financial advice of the SAH Board:
Advice on software to publish our Registers projects, i.e.: 1) the website for the continuously expanding SAH Women in Architecture Bibliography, 2) the website for SAH WiA AG Oral History Interviews Project, 3) the Global Women in Architecture Network crosslinked database
Advice on hire, to professionally assist us with the tremendous work that must be going into the Registers, development/edits/transcription of Oral History Interviews; development of updated editions of SAH Women in Architecture Bibliography; other projects and events, e.g., the annual March Program: Celebrating Women’s History Month, and SAH WiA AG international Outreach Program: Annual Book Festival.