SAH Women in Architecture AG Center: Third Meeting Agenda
April 19, 2021, 2:00 pm CST/ 3:00 pm EST
The original document: SAHWiAAG Center_3MtngAgda
1. Greetings and update
– Sokolina
- 2021 SAH Virtual Conference Apr 13–17 + May 4–27 (paper sessions and events + 11 roundtables) Program ( According to SAH Bylaws and SAH WiA AG Bylaws, this Business Meeting of the Group is scheduled during the Annual SAH Conference: due to covid-19 it is downsized to the Meeting of the Center. Formal Terms of our group’ Officers start after the Conference, matching the terms of the SAH Board of Directors.
- Success of our first program March 2021: SAH WiA AG Celebrates Women’s History Month. We have sponsored a range of events. Acknowledgements are due to: Shelley E. Roff, SAH WiA AG Associate Chair, for SAH CONNECTS Webinar on March 8, The Advent of Women Architectural Professionals (—an international collaborative project of our Group and the SAHGB Women Architectural Historians’ Network; to Kathryn O’Rourke, formerly SAH WiA AG Associate Chair, for SAH CONNECTS Webinar on March 25, New Histories and New Practices | SAH CONNECTS—a national collaborative project of our Group and Women in Architecture Committee of the Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Institute of Architects; to Danielle Willkens, SAH WiA AG Communications Officer, for Wikipedia Edit-A-Thon Course ly/37Tcl2T; to Communications Team Leaders: Priya Jain, Rebecca Siefert, Anna Sokolina, Franca Trubiano, and Danielle Willkens, for promoting this Program and sharing the SAH updates and the electronic leaflet created by Sokolina with creative support by Helena Dean, on group’s social media pages; to Meg Vickery, SAH WiA AG Acting Secretary-Treasurer for creating monthly Listserv and safely distributing announcements to group members (monthly Directory Reports received from Anne Bird, SAH Director of Membership); and to Rebecca Siefert, SAH WiA AG Web Administrator, for developing in collaboration with Sokolina the new SAH WiA AG Registers Committee website. Gratitude for support: to SAH Board and Staff.
- Second SAH WiA AG Report to the SAH Board and Executive Committee has been requested by SAH Executive Committee and submitted (Sokolina) on March 15, 2021. The Report covered our activities during the first 6 months. First Report was requested and submitted on October 28, 2020 (published on SAH WiA AG Commons site). Sokolina: to publish Second Report on SAH WiA Commons Site.
Discussion—SAH WiA AG Report shall be emailed via Listserv to WiA group members one time annually, as submitted to the SAH Board and Executive Committee in late October.
- SAH WiA AG has been invited by SAH Asian American & Diasporic Architectural History Affiliate Group to sign A Statement of Support for Advancing Justice for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (draft received).
Discussion—in solidarity with the SAH Asian American & Diasporic Architectural History Affiliate Group.
- Barbara Opar, Co-chair, WiA Registers Committee, is invited Ex-Officio at meetings of the Center.
2. New Guidelines
- The WiA Group is expanding, in 6 months from 50 to over 300 members, many new projects are on schedule, more leaders are needed.
- Nomination (by Sokolina, consent received): Prof. Ola Uduku, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK, SAH Associate Member, to the lead team.
- Julia Walker, Secretary–Treasurer, took on a new administrative role at the university and is stepping down.
Discussion—confirm current Acting Secretary–Treasurer, Meg Vickery as the Secretary–Treasurer.
- Proposed (Sokolina) an amendment of SAH WiA AG Bylaws, to include the following:
- The Executive Administrator position to replace the Web Administrator position, reflecting on the range of tasks, and Associate Administrator to replace Associate Web Administrator; retain the Web Administrator position as a new nomination, to assist the Executive Administrator.
- Specify the positions: Associate Chairs and Associate Officers.
- Expand the list of Ex-Officio members of SAH WiA AG by adding: “Chairs of SAH WiA AG Committees and Commissions.” Sokolina: to consult SAH Bylaws, draft and mail the amended document to Officers for peer review.
- Call for Nominations/Self-nominations: SAH WiA Center Associate Officers—Sokolina in weekly SAH Opportunities, following the May 12 Roundtable. Later, in May–June: create/distribute an e-ballot for an anonymous vote to our group members (Siefert, Sokolina, Vickery). The peer-reviewed amended Bylaws to be included on this ballot.
- US-UK grant program ( due June 30) to support collaboration between the Women in Architecture groups of SAH & SAHGB, fund lectures, academic exchange, et al. Shelley Roff, Anna Sokolina, Danielle Willkens; Elizabeth Darling + invite to Ola Uduku to join the initiative.
- Pauline Saliga, SAH Executive Director’s invite to start the Oral History Interviews project. Sokolina: Proposal to establish a SAH WiA AG Legacy Committee, and Oral History Interviews to become current flagship. A commitment to take over the leadership of the Oral History Project Series received from Prof. Elizabeth Keslacy Elizabeth Keslacy | Architecture + Interior Design | CCA – Miami University ( developing ideas for this initiative. Barbara Opar: references. Franca Trubiano: insights on developing an oral interviews project at U Penn—is asked co-lead the project; collaboration with Pauline Saliga would unite the efforts, and invite the SAH Executive Committee to support this SAH Women in Architecture project on a sufficient scale. Sokolina: reach out to Keslacy and recommend contacting Trubiano, Opar, others, to discuss ideas. Sokolina: to draft the Committee’s purpose and guidelines, mail to Officers for peer review, publish the Call for Nominations/Self-nominations to serve on this new Committee.
3. Roundtables, Meetings, and Papers at SAH Annual International Conferences
- SAH WiA AG participates in 2021 Conference Virtual Roundtable Program: “Textbooks in Focus: Women in Architecture Survey” May 12, 12:00-1:30pm CST, Program ( Moderators: Anna Sokolina and Rebecca Siefert, Panelists: Carmen Espegel, Harriet Harriss, Mary Anne Hunting, Kevin D. Murphy, Shelley E. Roff, Meg Birney Vickery.
- 2022 Pittsburg Conference: SAH WiA AG Virtual Roundtable Proposal—under consideration: Women in Architecture and Design: Scholarship and Discoveries; submissions deadline undetermined. Sokolina: to draft Call for Participation, email to Officers for review, and either 1/place in Opportunities, or 2/invite Routledge contributors whose presentations were not accommodated in our roundtable this year due to time constrains.
- SAH WiA AG Business Meeting at 2022 SAH Annual Conference–Plans of attending the Conference and organizing the meeting—should we plan an in-person, or a virtual meeting of the group?—Discussion postponed.
4. Other Business
- Fall semester 2021: Shelley Roff proposed a virtual conference. Sokolina: SAH Women in Architecture group Colloquium, to launch the new Women in Architecture textbook (inquiry submitted to the SAH Office on 3.15.21, as part of Report, 14 panelists). Sokolina: develop proposal, contact officers for review.
- We are invited to organize a panel: “Inspired by History to Form the Future” at September 2021 “Architectural Intelligence Conference,” AIA WIA Committee of Silicon Valley Chapter. Sokolina: draft the CFP, contact officers for review, place CFP in SAH Opportunities, communicate with AIA SVC WIA Committee Chair.