SAH Women in Architecture AG Center: Fourth Meeting Agenda

July 12, 2021, 2:00–3:00pm EST

The original document: SAHWiAAG Center_4MtngAgda

1. Opening, Gratitude and Recognition

– Sokolina

  • Gratitude to Rebecca Siefert for organizing this Meeting.
  • Our formal terms started after the 2021 SAH Conference, according to SAH WiA AG Bylaws. Minor Bylaws Amendment has been discussed during preceding Meeting of this Center—the Business Meeting of the Group scheduled during the Annual SAH Conference, this year due to covid-19 was downsized to Meeting of the Center. Sokolina’s draft was distributed, confirmed by decision through e-communications of SAH WiA AG Officers, published 5.5.2021,
  • Gratitude to:
  1.    All Officers for your contribution and support of our programs and projects. Your service as SAH WiA AG Officers is recognized by name across our SAH WiA AG Platforms and in our Reports and Updates to SAH Board and Executive Committee.
  2.    Meg Vickery, for safely creating Monthly Listserv and distributing all Calls, announcements, and letters of the Chair to our group members (based on monthly WiA Directory Reports from Anne Bird, SAH Director of Membership).
  3.    Shelley Roff and Danielle Willkens: US-UK Grant Program: this initiative to support collaboration between Women in Architecture groups of SAH & SAHGB: fund lectures, workshops, exhibitions, academic exchange, to be developed with Elizabeth Darling, SAHGB.
  4.    Danielle Willkens, for your sound voice, appealing design and updates of Twitter site of our group SAH WiA AG (@SAHWiAag) / Twitter.
  5.    Priya Jain for publishing frequent updates on our LinkedIn site.
  6.    All Officers acknowledged in SAH WiA Bibliography, for adding titles in the groundbreaking Bibliographies Register created by Barbara Opar (c. 400 titles), composed and edited by SAH WiA Registers Committee Members, in final stages of production (now c. 1,100 titles) with: SAH Board, Dean, Opar, Siefert, Sokolina.
  7.    All for support of Sokolina’s initiative of the new SAH WiA Legacy Committee, now in progress, and the SAH WiA Grants Committee (postponed).
  8.    Annmarie Adams for general advice.
  9.  The SAH Board and Staff: Victoria Young and Pat Morton, for messages of encouragement and appreciation of our work; Pauline Saliga, for inspiring ideas and support; to Carla Yanni for insightful feedback and support; to Ann Bird, for monthly WiA group Membership Reports, Helena Dean and Christopher Kirbabas for attentive tech support.
  • Recognition:
  1.    Shelley Roff, for successfully co-chairing our first March 8 SAH WiA AG CONNECTS webinar, a virtual celebration of our group,  International Women’s Day, and SAH–SAHGB collaboration.
  2.    Kathryn O’Rourke, for successfully co-chairing March 25 SAH WiA AG CONNECTS webinar, a national collaborative project sponsored by SAH WiA AG and AIA SVC WiA Committee.
  3.    Danielle Wilkens for continuing the Women in Architecture Wikipedia edit-a-thon. Register at, contribute your work, add references, or create new articles. March SAH WiA AG Program yielded 4.69k article views—let’s get 100k views by the end of 2021.
  4.    Rebecca Siefert and Anna Sokolina for successfully chairing first SAH WiA AG Virtual Roundtable, Textbooks in Focus: Women in Architecture Survey as part of 2021 SAH Virtual Conference, and to Shelley Roff and Meg Vickery, among others, for inspiring presentations, with thanks to Helena Dean for tech support (Moderators: Anna and Rebecca, Panelists: Carmen Espegel, Harriet Harriss, Mary Anne Hunting, Kevin D. Murphy, Shelley E. Roff, Margaret Birney Vickery,
  5.    Barbara Opar, Hannah Deichler, Rebecca Siefert, Anna Sokolina, Margaret B. Vickery for developing SAH Women in Architecture Bibliography project—in progress.
  6.    Opar, Deichler, Siefert, Sokolina for developing Oral History Interviews project, and Pauline Saliga for this initiative.


2. Additional Elections: Report and Discussion

Siefert, Sokolina 

  • Sokolina: Teamwork makes us strong. Some of us take over duties of those who due to personal circumstances can’t contribute at certain time, and currently we need more leaders to sustain all our plans and develop new initiatives for the SAH WiA community. As per unanimous decision during the Third Meeting of this Center, we organized Additional Elections to elect more officers and continue our service to SAH WiA community of 390 members, according to “SAH Report 7.9.21.” With gratitude to Siefert, for collaboration on all elections’ arrangements. Vickery distributed CFN through Listserv, Sokolina published Call for Nominations (May 7–22, 2021) in SAH Opportunities, across LinkedIn and FB platforms, in SAH Commons:, mailed personal invite to 23 peers.
  • Siefert: Report and Discussion

Additional Elections of SAH WiA AG Officers by anonymous e-ballot.  Poll open to all SAH members June 14–28, 2021. Officers of SAH WiA AG Center were provided with secure daily access to anonymous Results and Data Analysis. Positions announced in SAH OpportunitiesCall for Nominations/Self-nominations: SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group Lead Team:
The Associate Chair, or Co-Chairs
The Associate Secretary-Treasurer
The Associate Administrator(s)
The Associate Communications Officer(s)
The Web News Editor(s)
–     Positions up for vote:
Associate Chair(s)
Associate Secretary-Treasurer
Web News Editor(s)
–     Appointments to confirm, according to Additional Elections Results:
Associate Chairs: Ola Uduku and Shailee Dave
Associate Secretary–Treasurer: Ipek Mehmetoglu
Associate Administrators: Elisa Dainese and Avni Gor
Web News Editor: Wencheng Yan


  • Sokolina: will e-mail the greeting letter from this team to new elected Officers
3. 2022 Pittsburg SAH Annual International Conference: Roundtables, Meetings, Events
  • SAH WiA AG Business Meeting—details to be discussed during next SAH WiA AG Center Meeting
  • SAH WiA AG Virtual Roundtable Proposal (part of Post-conference Virtual Program in May 2022)—under consideration:Women in Architecture and Design: Scholarship and Discoveries”; received multiple paper proposals; submission deadline TBD; more proposals welcome
  • Book launch events at SAH Conference


4. Other Business
  • Invited panel title “Inspired by History to Form the Future” by AIA Silicon Valley Chapter WIA Committee, at “Architectural Intelligence Conference” 9.28.21/confirmed: SAH WiA group panel organized by Sokolina, CFP was published in SAH Opportunities, across our platforms, and distributed via Listserv; 3 Panelists; invite to co-moderate: Priya Jain.
  • Fall semester 2021: to encourage SAH WiA AG SAH CONNECTS proposals.
