SAH Women in Architecture AG Center: Fifth Meeting Agenda
August 3, 2021, 10:00–11:00 am CST/11:00 am–12:00 pm EST
SAH WiA AG Center Officers: Chair Anna Sokolina, Advising Chair Annmarie Adams, Associate Chairs Shailee Dave, Shelley E. Roff, Ola Uduku, Secretary–Treasurer Margaret B. Vickery, Executive Administrator Rebecca Siefert, Communications Officer Danielle S. Willkens, Web News Editor Yan Wencheng, Associate Secretary–Treasurer Ipek Mehmetoglu, Associate Administrators Elisa Dainese, Avni Gor, Franca Trubiano, Associate Communications Officer Priya Jain, Ex-Officio Barbara Ann Opar
The original document: SAHWiAAG Center_5MtngAgda
1. Opening and Welcome
– Sokolina
- Gratitude to All for participation in our Doodle Poll, and to Rebecca Siefert for organizing this Meeting. Our Officers are residing across North America, Europe, and South-East Asia, we understand the transcontinental challenge for members of this team who due to time constraints can’t attend our meeting. All Officers will receive finalized Meeting Agenda for confirmation and publication online.
- Our terms of service started after the 2021 SAH Conference, according to SAH WiA AG Bylaws. If questions arise, please first attend our Bylaws and official website—perhaps your answer is there:
- The Mission of the Group: to support the breadth of interests of the SAH members, to advocate the massive contribution of women in architecture, to champion the cause of gender equality across borders and the progressive knowledge in the integral field of the built environment. The Purpose: to provide a platform for a wide-ranging inquiry into the projects around women in architecture and design. Our leadership is a teamwork, and only if we are strong as a team, we create a powerful legacy as individuals. Our principles: Equity, Integrity, Transparency. Our priority is to support, contribute to, and participate in SAH programs and initiatives.
- At the meeting of our Center in previous status, on 07.12.2021 immediately following Additional Elections, we discussed election results and we are excited to Welcome new elected Officers: Associate Chairs: Ola Uduku and Shailee Dave, Web News Editor: Yan Wencheng, Associate Secretary–Treasurer: Ipek Mehmetoglu, Associate Administrators: Elisa Dainese and Avni Gor
2. Individual Introductions
– All New Elected Officers
3. New Officers’ Area of Service
—Sokolina, Vickery, Siefert
Associate Chairs (senior leadership position):
Ola Uduku—international collaboration, contribution: join the team of Roff, Willkens, Sokolina to develop, with Elizabeth Darling, this initiative and support transatlantic collaboration between Women in Architecture groups of SAH & SAHGB: funded lectures, workshops, exhibitions.
Shailee Dave—considering her research interests, responsible for SAH WiA AG national collaboration: with BWAF. Sokolina initiated this program in September of 2020, was in communications with Cynthia Phifer Kracauer and Aislinn McNamara, and we established the area of common interest of two organizations. Kathryn O’Rourke has been designated to develop further events. O’Rourke, Sokolina, Kracauer, McNamara, Pauline Saliga, SAH Executive Director, Catherine Erkkila, Managing Editor SAH Archipedia and Buildings of the United States (and Member of our SAH WIA AG Legacy Committee), and Editors of the SAHARA image archive Jackie Spafford and Mark Hinchman, were asked to consider our next steps. Shailee is entitled to develop a sequence of plans and events on our behalf with BWAF.
Web News Editor (senior leadership position):
Yan Wencheng—coordination of online and social media inquiries, frequent updates leadership, in collaboration with Communications Team and Administration. Special focus now: SAH WiA AG Instagram @sahwiaag; also consult with Siefert, Sokolina and Helena Dean on Commons: SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group ( and Members – SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group – SAH Commons; consult with Jain on: LinkedIn SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group: Overview | LinkedIn; with Associate Administrators and Sokolina on FB SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group; with Wilkens on: Twitter @SAHWiAag
Associate Secretary–Treasurer (leadership position):
Ipek Mehmetoglu— in collaboration with Meg Birney Vickery; create Lists of funding opportunities for Women in Architecture, individual and institutional, and support SAH WiA AG grants applications.
Associate Administrators (leadership position):
Elisa Dainese—in collaboration with Rebecca Siefert, also: all your initiatives and ideas, and help administer FB SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group.
Avni Gor—in collaboration with Rebecca Siefert, also: all your initiatives and ideas, and join Priya Jain in administering LinkedIn SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group: Overview | LinkedIn.
4. Organization
- New Officers: please make sure you have a registered personal page in SAH Commons, and you have joined our primary Group and Site pages there, to get full access to all our documents and receive our SAH Commons e-updates All our documents and updates are posted there—business items on Site, blog and forum—on Group page in Discussion. Following Additional Elections, your names have been added to the Officers list on our “Home” page.
- New Officers: please email Siefert and Sokolina your headshots for your representation on Elected Officers page
5. SAH Women in Architecture AG Committees
- SAH Women in Architecture AG Registers Committee—free-access website was created as part of Program “March 2021: SAH WIA AG Celebrates Women’s History Month”
- SAH WiA Bibliography is a dynamic, ever-expanding groundbreaking achievement and a celebration of international collaboration. Our first collection of over 1,200 titles of books and theses highlighting women’s accomplishments in the discipline has been published on 07.15.2021, following years of research and over six months of tireless work of the team of SAH Women in Architecture Registers Committee. New site created, access for all SAH members registered in SAH Commons:
- Recognition: Barbara Opar, Hannah Deichler, Rebecca Siefert, Anna Sokolina, Margaret Birney Vickery; Gratitude to: Harriet Harriss, Mari Nakahara, Meral Ekincioglu, Laura Sánchez Carrasco; for the first round of peer review and contribution—to members of SAH Women in Architecture Registers Committee: Laura Sánchez Carrasco, Gül Kale, Gillian Mahoney, Rebecca Siefert, Anna Sokolina, Nina Stritzler-Levine, and Margaret Birney Vickery; for the second round of peer review and contribution—to SAH WiA AG Officer Danielle S. Willkens.
- SAH Women in Architecture AG Legacy Committee
- Initiated in April and established on June 1, 2021 by Sokolina with confirmation by SAH WiA AG Officers; 17 Committee members from across continents; first meeting scheduled on Aug 9, 2021, gratitude for organization to Siefert. As advised by Annmarie Adams, Outline of the Recognition Program is submitted for feedback to SAH Board and Executive Committee; website to be created in the Fall Semester of 2021.
5. 2022 Pittsburg SAH Annual International Conference
- SAH WiA AG Membership Meeting (as per SAH Bylaws): in-person, Officers Annual Reports are requested. Our member’s base: c. 400. Inquiry to Conference Committee: a Meeting room with 50 seats, a brown-bag lunch time meeting, date TBD.
- Book Launch events in the Exhibition Hall: for All group members who published their book during 2019, 2020, 2021. We encourage authors/contributors to work with their publisher to exhibit at the conference (if they don’t already) and we can work with the publisher on finding the right date/time/space for an event (not during paper sessions). SAH will finalize the Exhibitor/Sponsor Prospectus in September, Christopher Kirbabas, Conference Director can send it to the authors and contributors. We can ask him to reach out to publishers about exhibiting at the conference. All Officers–Please compile your lists and email to this team, for our submission to Kirbabas.
- The new SAH WiA Legacy Committee proposed to issue multiple SAH WiA AG Certificates of Recognition, currently under consideration of SAH Board and Executive Committee.
- A SAH WiA AG Virtual Roundtable, part of the post-conference virtual program— “Women in Architecture and Design: Scholarship and Discoveries” (working title); received 7 paper proposals. If interested in another submission with our group, please consider SAH requirements online and email your proposal including the number of panelists to this team for review.
4. Other Business
- Second collaborative national project sponsored by the SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group and the WIA Committee of Silicon Valley Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA)—an invited panel, “Inspired by History to Form the Future” at the Annual “Architectural Intelligence Conference” 9.28.21, organized by Sokolina and Dasha Ortenberg, Chair of AIA SVC WIA Committee; Moderators: Jain, Sokolina, Panelists: Mary B. Brush, Yan Wencheng, Eva Alvarez and Carlos Gómez. First event, a successful SAH CONNECTS webinar, was part of our Program, “March 2021: SAH WiA AG Celebrates Women’s History Month”:
- To encourage SAH WiA AG SAH CONNECTS proposals..