SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group Legacy Committee: First Meeting Agenda

August 9, 2021, 9:00–10:00 am CST/10:00 am–11:00 pm EST 

Chair: Dr. Anna Sokolina, Committee Members: Dr. Esra Akcan, Dr. Jelena Bogdanovic, Dr. Sigal Davidi, Dr. Catherine Erkkila, Dr. Carmen Espegel, Prof. Diane Elliott Gayer, Dr. Mary Anne Hunting, Prof. Elizabeth Martin, Dr. Kiwa Matsushita, Dr. Mari Nakahara, Dr. Katherine Kaford Papineau, Dr. Anna Sokolina, Dr. Atsuko Tanaka, Dr. Thaisa Way, Dean Julie Willis, Ex-officio: Barbara Ann Opar, Dr. Carla Yanni, SAH WiA AG Exec. Admin: Dr. Rebecca Siefert

The original document: SAH WiA AG LgcCom_1MtgAgd

1. Opening and Organization

– Anna Sokolina (Chair) and Rebecca Siefert (Executive Administrator)
Introduction & Welcome to the First Meeting of SAH WiA AG Legacy Committee — Sokolina

  • Gratitude to All for participation in the Doodle Poll, and to Rebecca Siefert, SAH WiA AG Executive Administrator, for organizing this meeting. Our committee is transcontinental, members are residing across North America, Europe, Near East, Australia, and Japan, and setting a meeting is a challenge due to different time zones. Please share your ideas on how to manage our schedule in the future.
  • The SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group Legacy Committee has been established on June 1, 2021, as a global SAH WiA AG initiative that supports the SAH mission. The initiative has been put forward by Sokolina, SAH WiA AG Chair, on May 3, 2021, peer reviewed by SAH WiA AG elected Officers: Annmarie Adams, Shelley E. Roff, Margaret B. Vickery, Rebecca Siefert, Danielle S. Willkens, Franca Trubiano, and Priya Jain; and announced on June 3, 2021, to SAH members (c. 3,500) in “SAH Opportunities” and to SAH WiA group members (c. 400) via Listserv.
  • Mission: To preserve, advocate, and promote the massive Legacy of Women in Architecture, and celebrate scholars, academics, activists, and other noted professionals who have contributed to the cause of gender equity across borders, demonstrated remarkable professional record, and championed the broad and progressive knowledge in the integral field of the built environment.


2. Individual Introductions

– All Attending Committee Members (c. 2 mins)


3. Committee Purpose and Guidelines


Purpose of the Committee: Administration/advocacy/collaboration/preservation/recognition of women’s massive contribution to the field, through sponsored Events and Programs.

Events and Projects

  • Women in Architecture Day: Celebration on March 8
  • Book Launch Annual Festival: a virtual, hybrid, or in-person event
  • Special Events celebrating architecture scholarship and leadership of remarkable women

Recognition Program

— developed to address historically silenced questions of gender equity, advocate change, and proposed to champion female leaders and role models in our world-largest learned society of scholars in architecture

  • SAH Women in Architecture Annual Award for Distinction in Scholarship. The Award recognizes outstanding scholarly accomplishments by one or more persons who, individually or jointly, have enhanced understanding of the built environment and architectural history through the knowledge of women’s contribution to the field.
  • SAH Women in Architecture Annual Honorary Designation. The SAH WiA AG Honorary Designation Program allows the opportunity to honor SAH members who through interdisciplinary inquiry have made significant contributions to broadening networks and building bridges of understanding across continents and cultures by advocating women’s work.
  • SAH Women in Architecture Annual Scholar Emerita [Emeriti] Recognition. SAH WiA AG Emeriti Scholars shall be recognized for their contributions to the SAH Women in Architecture community through:  Listing of the name of SAH WiA Emeriti Scholars on the SAH WiA AG official website; Awarding of a Certificate of Emerita/Emeritus status; Listing of name and title of SAH WiA Emeriti Scholars in SAH WiA AG brochures and catalogues.

The SAH Women in Architecture Library and Archive

  • Developing The SAH Women in Architecture Library and Archive, in collaboration with the SAH Board and Staff
  • Digitizing, publishing, and providing electronic access to the records collected in the SAH Women in Architecture Library and Archive

Sokolina: Our Programs and Events List has been submitted to SAH Board for review at the Meeting of the SAH Executive Committee scheduled on Aug 25, 2021; feedback is expected in September;
Esra Akcan: proposal of the Inclusion and Social Justice Program;
Jelena Bogdanovic: in support of Recognition Program; on locating a venue for the Library and Archive;
Catherine Erkkila: to start a collaborative initiative of SAH Archipedia and SAH WiA group: a call for essays on work of women in architecture;
Carmen Espegel: in support of virtual events;
Mary Anne Hunting and Anna Sokolina: in support of Library and Archive Program, on uniqueness of this project differing from all existing archival collections;
Elizabeth Martin: in support of Events and Projects Program;
Mari Nakahara: in support of Library and Archive Program;
Katherine Kaford Papineau: earlier offered organization and tech support.

4. Organization and Terms of Service
  • Organization: This Committee is a long-term assembly, in its early stage; all projects in-progress, open to modification. Our SAH Board liaison is Carla Yanni, 2nd VP, we work in collaboration with SAH Board and Staff, with Pauline Saliga and Helena Dean, and we are delighted that Catherine Erkkila is member of this Committee. Currently we are awaiting SAH Board and Exec. Committee feedback on our Recognition Program and on locating/supporting the venue for the SAH Women in Architecture Library and Archive.
  • Committee Members and Chair shall not be constrained to limited terms of service.
  • Committee Members are not to be elected but appointed to commit and serve. Any Committee Member may resign at any time by delivering written notice to Committee Chair. Such resignation is effective when the notice is delivered unless the notice specifies an effective date.
  • Initial Framework: Primary idea and purpose outline—Draft for review to SAH WiA AG Center 5.3.2021—Announce of creation of the Committee to SAH and SAH WiA AG 6.1.21—1 month for Nominations/Self-nominations—First virtual Meeting 8.9.21—Introduction of the team/ Listserv
  • Official Website Launch: Fall Semester of 2021, free public access site linked to SAH WiA AG Commons platform; access to records and documents open to SAH members
  • On students’ participation and broader collaboration

All Members of this Committee, please email Sokolina your headshots for the Legacy Committee’s SAH Commons page;
All Members of this Committee, please register in SAH Commons and join primary SAH WiA AG site and group forum.  Our documents are posted there: formal docs on Site, blog and forum—on Group page in Discussion

5. Ways of Communication
  • According to the urgency of updates
  • Email, Google docs, WeTransfer, Dropbox, Zoom, other
  • SAH WiA AG Commons platform
  • SAH WiA AG social media pages
  • All records will be updated on schedule decided by Committee Members
  • Reports to SAH WiA AG Center, liaisons with the SAH Board, Listserv to group members, SAH Opportunities Roundup announcements—all with prior confirmation by this Committee


6. Other Business

—Relevant: collaborative initiative SAH WiA AG / SAH Archipedia / BWAF
