SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group Council: Sixth Meeting Agenda

December 15, 2021, 10:00 am CST 

SAH WiA AG Officers: Anna Sokolina, Annmarie Adams, Shailee Dave, Shelley E. Roff, Ola Uduku, Margaret B. Vickery, Rebecca Siefert, Danielle S. Willkens, Yan Wencheng, Ipek Mehmetoglu, Elisa Dainese, Avni Gor, Franca Trubiano, Priya Jain, Ex-Officio Barbara Ann Opar; invited attendance: Gül Kale, Registers Committee member

The original document:  SAHWiAAGLead_6MtngAgd

1. Opening and Organization

Sixth Meeting of SAH WiA AG Officers—Sokolina

  • Gratitude to All for your commitment and support, and to Rebecca Siefert for organizing the meeting. Following this meeting, your feedback/modifications/confirmation are appreciated, for online publication of finalized Meeting Agenda
  • 7 months since start of our terms of service (May 2021).  We are expanding our programming, strengthening our strategies and logistics and have received numerous support letters from our group members (now over 400), other SAH members, a range of support, instruction, and encouragement letters from SAH Board, and in sisterhood from our colleagues across all continents. New letter of support with greetings from SAH President Dr. Victoria Young received today 10:34 AM EST—citing: “…please thank your team for all you are doing! Dr. Victoria M. Young, President, Society of Architectural Historians. Professor of Modern Architectural History, Department of Art History, University of St. Thomas”
  • Individual introduction: Gül Kale, PhD, SAH WiA AG Registers Committee member, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON, Canada


2. Proposed Amendment to SAH WiA AG Bylaws

SAH Board guidance; rapid growth of the group; expanding programming—Sokolina, Siefert

Jain, Kale, Mehmetoglu, Opar, Roff, Vickery, Yan

Discussion, vote

3. Leadership Infrastructure: Officers’ Area of Service

Logistics, strategies, Officers designations, relevant procedures—Sokolina, Vickery, Siefert

Structural modifications: Annmarie Adams— in April 2022 stepping back from SAH Board and our group’s Council as Advising Chair due to career advancement as new Vice President of the Canadian Society for the History of Medicine; Shailee Dave and Franca Trubiano—stepping back due to career and timetable challenges; Elisa Dainese—temporary stepping back, staying as Officer (intern’s support needed to assist her as Facebook admin); Gül Kale—nominee to direct the new SAH WiA AG Mentoring Program (term to start May 2022, now interim).

Discussion, vote

4. State of SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group

4.1. Annual Report to SAH Board

SAH Women in Architecture AG Report 9.29.2021 – SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group ( SAH WIA AG Programs 2021-22

  • National Outreach
  • International Collaboration
  • March 2022: SAH WIA AG Celebrates Women’s History Month
  • SAH 75th Annual International Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, April 27–May 1, 2022: SAH WiA AG Business Meeting; Post-conference Virtual RT
  • SAH WiA AG Committees


4.2. State of Development: Development team

  • Update and instructions from SAH Board
  • Gratitude to Meg Birney Vickery for creating listserv and distribution of primary news to members. Strategies: Collaboration with SAH Board, discussions on support opportunities
  • Shelley Roff. Shelley’s report:

Shelley Roff is collaborating with Elizabeth Darling, Convener of the Women Architectural Historians Network of the SAHGB, on an application due in April 2022 to the Small Grants Program of the U.S. Embassy to the United Kingdom to fund a series of media events tentatively entitled, “Architectural Historians Speak Out! A US-UK Comparative on the Impact of Women in Architecture and Related Design Fields.” The grant will also highlight the connection between the American and British societies of architectural historians.

  • Rebecca Siefert and Barbara Opar: Oral History Interviews, in collaboration w/Pauline Saliga, Anna Sokolina, transcr. support Hannah Deichler
  • Barbara Opar and the Bibliography Editing Team: “SAH WiA Bibliography”
  • Update on SAH WiA group Legacy programming: Library and Archive Project, Recognition Project
  • Gul Kale: Mentoring Program: Vision on Internship and Students Practicum program

Discussion: Jain, Kale, Mehmetoglu, Opar, Roff, Siefert, Sokolina, Vickery, Yan

4.3. State of Virtual Power Structure: Communications/Web Admin Team

—strategies and coordination, collaboration, weekly updates lead:

  • Recognition: Yan Wencheng for moderating 5 social media platforms
  • Effective teams:

SAH Commons site SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group (, Sokolina (Dean)

SAH Commons group forum Discussion – SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group – SAH Commons—discussion open to all members, (admin. Dean, Siefert, Sokolina), contribution by Ekincioglu, now: Kale

LinkedIn SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group: Overview | LinkedInGor, Jain


Facebook SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate GroupDainese

Twitter @SAHWiAagWilkens

  • Recognition: Rebecca Siefert—for the Team meeting initiative, and All Team Leaders: Rebecca Siefert, Danielle S. Willkens, Yan Wencheng, Elisa Dainese, Avni Gor, Priya Jane—for developing logistics, confirming individual responsibilities, effective organization, and inspiring contribution
  • Sharing strategy: SAH media sites; SAH Opportunities; sites of interest proposed by LinkedIn;
  • Cross-posting/pinned posts from our other platforms, e.g., on Twitter pinned by Danielle:

“We’re continuing the Women in Architecture Wikipedia edit-a-thon through 2021. Register at then contribute your work, add references, or create new articles. Our March event yielded 4.69k article views; let’s get 100k views by the end of 2021!”


4.4. State of Collaborative Scholarship

1/ Meg Birney Vickery: “Transnational Connections: Women’s Role in Disseminating Architectural Trends in the Twentieth Century”

2/ Priya Jain and Yan Wencheng: “Intersections: Architectural History and Conservation in South and East Asia”

3/ Shelley Roff and Anna Sokolina: “Women in Architecture: Critical Histories”

4/ Shelley Roff: “New Books on Women in Architecture: Re-Visioning the Future of Scholarship”

  • SAH Post-conference virtual roundtable submitted—Rebecca Siefert and Anna Sokolina: “Women in Architecture: Scholarship and Discoveries”
  • SAH WiA AG collaborative project confirmed—virtual panel at AIA Silicon Valley “AI 2022” Symposium 4.19.2022—Priya Jain and Anna Sokolina: “Inspired by History to Form the Future”

Discussion: Gor, Jain, Opar, Roff, Sokolina, Uduku, Vickery, Yan

5. SAH Women in Architecture AG Committees

5.1. SAH Women in Architecture AG Registers Committee

—Initiated in August / established December 18, 2020; 10 committee members, website created as part of Program “March 2021: SAH WIA AG Celebrates Women’s History Month”


  • SAH WiA Bibliography—work-in-progress, a celebration of international collaboration. First collection: 66 pages, over 1,200 titles of books and theses highlighting women’s accomplishments in the discipline, has been published on July 15 and August 3. 2021, sah-women-in-architecture-bibliography-2021.pdf, public access, following years of research and over six months of work of Barbara Opar with her student Hannah Deichler and the editorial team of SAH Women in Architecture Registers Committee. New site created; access for all members registered in SAH Commons:

Recognition: Barbara Opar, Hannah Deichler, Rebecca Siefert, Anna Sokolina, Margaret Birney Vickery Gratitude to: Harriet Harriss, Mari Nakahara, Meral Ekincioglu, Laura Sánchez Carrasco—for contribution of bibliographic collections; for the first round of peer review and contribution—to members of SAH WiA AG Registers Committee: Gül Kale, Gillian Mahoney, Laura Sánchez Carrasco, and Nina Stritzler-Levine; for the second round of peer review and contribution—to SAH WiA AG Communications Officer Danielle S. Willkens

5.2. SAH Women in Architecture Affiliate Group Legacy Committee

—Initiated in April / established June 1,2021; 17 committee members; website launch: March 2022 Programs:

  • Events: Women in Architecture Day (celebrate on March 8—SAH CONNECTS webinar); Special Events—Mari Nakahara, PhD, Curator of Architecture, Design, and Engineering, Prints & Photographs Division, Library of Congress (collaboration in March 2022); Book Launch Annual Festival: a virtual, hybrid, or in-person event
  • Recognition Program—outline submitted to SAH Board; advised to submit a proposal for one award to SAH Board by February 1, 2022
  • SAH Women in Architecture Library and Archive—outline submitted to SAH Board; response received: SAH cannot support the creation of a physical space for this library; Pauline Saliga’s advice on options

Discussion: Development/Administration team

6. 2022 Pittsburgh SAH Annual International Conference
  • SAH WiA AG Membership Meeting: in-person, chairing officers, members Q&A and discussion; on schedule: 4.28.2022, 1:30 pm, 50-seats meeting room
  • Barbara Opar: The Pittsburgh WiA Brochure initiative
  • Book Launch events in the Exhibition Hall: all group members who published their book during 2019, 2020, 2021. Highlights from Christopher Kirbabas’ notes:

“We encourage authors/contributors to work with their publisher to exhibit at the conference…and we can work with the publisher on finding the right date/time/space for an event (not during paper sessions). SAH will finalize the Exhibitor/Sponsor Prospectus; send it to the authors and contributors, reach out to publishers about exhibiting at the conference.”

“In the past publishers have hosted book signings at their exhibit booth on a specific day/time and that has worked well for all parties.  We can promote those book signings that happen in the exhibit space.  We can post it in the Know Before You Go email that all registered attendees receive and we can post it in the conference mobile app.” 

If interested, please email Sokolina as per your earliest convenience

  • A SAH WiA AG Virtual Roundtable, “Women in Architecture: Scholarship and Discoveries”—Siefert and Sokolina, submitted to post-conference program competition
  • Discussion: Gor, Jain, Mehmetoglu, Opar, Roff, Sokolina, Uduku, Vickery, Yan